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NIBA enlists groundswell of support

The launch of NIBA’s campaign on state taxes has already created a wave of support with brokers around the country responding swiftly to the call to get clients involved in the fight against exorbitant and unfair taxes on premiums.

NIBA Technical Services Manager Warren Turner said so far the feeling is nothing but positive. “People are starting to read the material and they are in turn putting the plan into action,” he said. 

As for the mainstream media, the response to NIBA’s campaign has been supportive.  Major newspapers have carried mentions of the strategy, radio interviews have been conducted and leading Sydney radio commentator Alan Jones has given it his tick of approval. In his usual morning address on Channel 9’s Today show, Mr Jones said insurance brokers “are angry about what they call an insurance tax. Business is complaining that state governments are ripping them off with three taxes levied on our insurance premium– a service levy, the GST and stamp duty. Their anger is legitimate.”

NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen said the campaign will progress through the next few months, and he is confident the groundswell of support will continue to grow. “This is an issue that hits people where it hurts most – their pockets,” he said. “Business doesn’t deserve to have to pay extra taxes as premiums rise, and we can help each other take that message to governments.”