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NIBA advertising campaign on track

The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) is on track to roll out its $1.8 million national advertising campaign promoting its members.

CEO Noel Pettersen says the NIBA board has not yet approved the final campaign, but he is optimistic members will meet the minimum contribution of $500,000.

NIBA is providing $1.3 million toward the national television and radio campaign, but the project is contingent on brokers making up the balance by paying between $1500 and $10,000, depending on the size of the firm.

“One thing members have always been asking for is a national campaign that demonstrates the value brokers provide, and this gives us the chance to spread that message,” he said.

Brokers who don’t pay up their share of the levy may find their companies’ details removed from the broker search website NIBA is assimilating the service into its own website at the same time as it collects broker contributions.

Mr Pettersen told it’s “unlikely” that Needabroker will feature the details of brokers who do not support the advertising campaign.