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NIBA abandons ad campaign

The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) has abandoned plans to mount a TV advertising campaign this year after most members knocked back demands that they contribute to its cost.

In a statement posted on the NIBA website, CEO Noel Pettersen says only 42% of members agreed to contribute to the cost of the three-year campaign, which was intended to promote “NIBA brokers”.

The association was seeking $500,000 from its members, while agreeing to tip in an additional $1.3 million to finance the campaign.

Mr Pettersen says “difficult economic times” may have deterred some members from contributing. During the past few months members have told they were not supportive of the way NIBA went about applying the levy, with notes sent to them by the association described as “hard-nosed” and “demanding”.

Brokers were also irritated by threats to remove their contact details from the popular Needabroker website if they did not pay the advertising levy.

“While a few members expressed the view that their business would not get anything out of an advertising campaign, it is still difficult to understand why they would choose not to back an initiative to promote the profession that provides their livelihoods,” Mr Pettersen said in the statement.

The NIBA board will re-examine the situation next year. Contributions received so far from members will be refunded.