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More apartments on ‘high alert’ over flammable cladding

Two Melbourne apartment blocks with flammable cladding have been added to a Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) list of buildings considered a greater risk if fire breaks out.

The Exo apartments in Docklands and the Elm apartments in South Melbourne have been placed on enhanced response “due to cladding issues”, an MFB spokesman told

“An enhanced response means sending an increased number of fire trucks and firefighters or a different combination of firefighters and fire trucks to an incident than is sent under a normal assignment rule.”

Also on the list are the Lacrosse building in Docklands; Harvest apartments in Clarendon Street, Southbank; the Royal Women’s Hospital; and the Comprehensive Cancer Centre.

The Victorian Building Authority audited 170 Melbourne buildings and found 51% feature non-compliant material.

It followed a blaze in November 2014 at the Lacrosse apartments, which was fuelled by cladding imported from China and not tested to Australian standards.