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Latest NZ quake claims total over $NZ1.2 million

New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission (EQC) has received claims of more than $NZ1.25 million ($970,000) from the October 9 Christchurch aftershock and $NZ586,000 ($453,000) from the December 23 quake.

It has also received nearly 300 claims from flooding at the top of the South Island last month, which caused flood damage and landslides.

The EQC has reassured Canterbury residents they have plenty of time to lodge a claim for damage resulting from the 5.8 magnitude earthquake and aftershock on December 23. It has categorised the December event as an earthquake and the October event as an aftershock.

CEO Ian Simpson says there is no need for people to rush back from holiday, as homeowners with private insurance have three months to lodge a claim with the commission.