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Insurers want workable liability solutions

The insurance industry wants to work with all governments and other stakeholders to achieve workable solutions to rising public liability premiums, says Insurance Council Executive Director Alan Mason.

Speaking at ICA’s NSW conference on Friday, Mr Mason said the attitude of society in relation to making a claim for injury has changed in recent years. “The population is well educated and the media and other sources have helped it to become more aware of their rights to recover damages from third parties.”

Noting that insurers have lost almost $1 billion over the past three years in public liability claims, he said they, like any business, must increase their prices or withdraw from that market to remain viable.

Mr Mason said the industry is anxious to find solutions because premium increases have affected small business, local government, sporting clubs and volunteer and community groups. He said a number of options needed to be considered.

The options include tort law reform; uniform rules for and application of statutes of limitation to introduce some consistency among states; limited liability for certain organisations; exemption of volunteers from personal liability; the reduction of state and government taxes to make insurance premiums more affordable; education to change community attitudes; and better risk management strategies.

Public liability insurance will be an issue discussed further at a meeting of federal, state and territory ministers on March 27.