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Insurers prepare for potential cyclone losses

Queensland personal lines premiums haven’t risen because of the Bureau of Meteorology’s forecast of increased cyclone risk this summer, according to Council of Queensland Insurance Brokers President Alan Schafer.

“I think the insurers have taken into account damage from previous cyclones and the fact there hasn’t been a big one for several years when pricing domestic insurance,” he told

“The insurers respond to the frequency of all cyclones, so premiums have been rising steadily, but not dramatically.”

Mr Schafer says many domestic insurers using brokers have increased their prices, but with the growing direct market premiums have in some case been coming down.

“But it isn’t a kneejerk reaction to the predictions by the bureau,” he said.

Queensland is experiencing unusual weather patterns this year with Brisbane not having a day above 30 degrees all spring, Mr Schafer says.

“We have had a lot of rain and Brisbane’s average temperature has been one-and-a-half degrees lower,” he said.

“The signs are this is going to be a very different season.”

Mr Schafer says he is encouraged by the interest in the cyclone predictions because it will hopefully encourage more people to prepare for any future events.

“At the moment it is a wait and see game as to whether we will have a bad cyclone season,” he said.