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Insurers improve IDR but could do better

Insurers’ internal handling of disputes is improving, the Insurance Ombudsman Service (IOS) reveals in a survey of its “hotline” callers.

The percentage of people who are happy with the way their insurer deals with their claim at the insurance dispute resolution (IDR) level almost doubled from the previous survey two years ago to 43%.

But more than half remain unhappy with their insurer’s IDR process. Insurers are also referring more clients to the ombudsman, with 92% of callers first hearing about IOS through their insurer.

More than three-quarters expressed satisfaction with the way their insurer had handled their claim, a similar percentage to the previous survey.

IOS is merging with the Financial Industry Complaints Service and the Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman to form the Financial Ombudsman Service on July 1.