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Insurance left off climate roundtable

The insurance industry has been left off the Federal Government’s new business roundtable to discuss climate change policies.

The roundtable includes organisations such as the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Energy Supply Association of Australia, Australian Industry Group, National Farmers Federation and the Business Council of Australia.

Companies represented include BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Woolworths, NAB, Qantas, Shell and Toyota.

This afternoon contacted the Insurance Council of Australia for a reaction to the industry’s lack of representation, but it did not respond before our publication deadline.

Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says the roundtable will play a critical role in providing advice to the Government on the economic and business issues surrounding climate change.

“The introduction of a carbon price will reshape the business environment for all Australian companies, providing businesses with the certainty they need to begin the transition to a low pollution economy,” he said.

“This new roundtable will ensure that the views of the business community are front and centre as we progress this important economic reform.”

Mr Swan says the composition of the roundtable reflects extensive discussion with business leaders and peak bodies.

“To keep the roundtable to a manageable size, the Government has not been able to accommodate all interested parties,” he said.