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Insurance jobs rising despite US crisis

It's not a good time to be looking for a job in banking or much of the financial services sector, but insurance is bucking the trend.

Research on internet job advertisements shows the fallout from the US sub-prime mortgage crisis is hitting the Australian labour market, causing an unexpected dip in vacancies in some sectors.

The Olivier Group's Internet Job Index continued to rise in September, with 13 of the 21 economic sectors showing an increase in jobs advertised. But the number of positions in banking fell 10.5% over the month, and financial services positions were down 4.3%.

Director Robert Olivier says the combined insurance and superannuation sector has continued to rise, albeit at a decreasing rate. Job vacancies were up 25% over the 12 months to September 30; most of that increase took place in the first half of the period.

Mr Olivier says the sector grew 2.84% in September, seasonally adjusted. He believes the skills shortage in the insurance industry is likely to get worse before it gets better, despite the trend towards potential recruits from other financial services sectors taking advantage of the industry's opportunities.