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Institute and agents chiefs head for Queensland

One consequence of the introduction of the financial services reforms is the need for associations to review the way they operate and the services they offer. First cab off the rank has been NIBA, whose CEO Noel Pettersen and President David Harris will complete an Australian national tour tomorrow with meetings in Sydney and Canberra.

The NIBA duo have been explaining to gatherings of members and interested non-members the mooted changes to the association’s constitution that will broaden the its membership to include life and general agents, non-member brokers and underwriting agents. Both men have been delighted with the reception they have received around the country.  

Included in the NIBA program has been an explanation of the education services NIBA has on offer to meet the new compliance and licensing requirements.

Now comes news of a tour through Queensland by the leaders of the Insurance Advisers Association of Australia (formerly known as the agents’ association) and the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance.

It’s understood the tour of Queensland centres will be led by the institute’s CEO, Joan Fitzpatrick, and IAAA’s Executive Director, Murray Morgan. Their target: much the same as NIBA. Sources said the tour will target intermediaries to promote the institute’s services and explain the requirements of the FSRB. The tour will begin on October 1. Contacted for comment, Mr Morgan said he was “too busy” to discuss the tour.