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In this issue of Insurance News (the magazine)

The collapse of New Zealand’s Western Pacific Insurance with a $31 million reinsurance shortfall came swiftly on the heels of the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. The latest issue of Insurance News (the magazine) looks inside the company to discover its major business focus was Australia, where its exposures totalled $5.8 billion.

Our two-year investigation has revealed the intriguing history of Western Pacific, its Australian driving force, how the company was formed and its operations that spanned the Tasman.

By way of contrast, Insurance News (the magazine) also looks at another New Zealand-based insurer, a niche player that’s kicking big goals globally.

We’ve also reviewed the industry’s progress and perils in troublesome times, interviewed insurance movers and shakers, and dug deep on a range of issues ranging from the blockchain technology revolution to why hoverboards are a hazard.

There’s so much to discover in Insurance News (the magazine), the industry’s most popular print publication. It’s delivered free to subscribers and – Australia Post willing – will be arriving in mailboxes across Australia over the next week.