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In the December/January edition of Insurance News magazine

Like a catastrophic love affair, 2020 altered our lives and try as hard as we might not to look back on it, we won’t be able to help ourselves.

So the latest edition of Insurance News magazine sets out to jog your memory by looking at the 10 major things that influenced the industry in 2020, and probably will still be in 2021 and beyond.

The Top 10 Influences – a departure from our annual list of the Top 20 Influencers – looks at the different ways our industry has been pushed and pummelled through the year by a whole series of seemingly unrelated events – we can’t blame the pandemic for everything, however – and how they are reshaping the way insurance goes about its business.

The industry’s most trusted magazine also asks experts why we shouldn’t despair over profitability falling off a cliff and how a seemingly harmless fertiliser is also an efficient bomb. We dive deep on the business interruption test case drama, and our marketing partners take their annual dip into insurance industry advertising to select the one that touched them most. It turns out that insurance advertising can be “violent” while being perfectly relevant.

Say goodbye and good riddance to 2020 by reading the latest edition of Insurance News magazine, which will be available in hard copy and email form later this week.