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In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

The insurance centre of London is our focus in the latest edition of Insurance News (the magazine), due to hit subscribers’ mailboxes this week.

We’ve got an exclusive in-depth interview with Lloyd’s Chairman John Nelson, who speaks frankly about the challenge of modernising the world’s oldest insurance market as it strives to cement its place well into the future.

Broking boss Steve White, of the British Insurance Brokers’ Association, talks regulation, innovation and professionalism. His insights on threats and opportunities facing UK brokers will sound a distinctly familiar note.

And Lloyd’s luminary Stephen Catlin reveals that behind the highly successful entrepreneur lies a maverick who is never afraid to take a risk.

Closer to home, we give you detailed analysis of the Steadfast float, the independent review of the General Insurance Code of Practice and the death of Victoria’s fire services levy.

Find all this and more – including full picture coverage of recent industry and company events – in Insurance News (the magazine), available free and only in print.