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In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

The relaxed atmosphere at the annual Reinsurance Rendezvous in Monte Carlo belies the serious business dealings and massive amounts of money at stake.

In the October/November issue of Insurance News (the magazine) we examine the outcomes of this year’s rendezvous and highlight the activities that make this a unique event in the global insurance calendar.

Chief Ombudsman Shane Tregillis and General Insurance Ombudsman John Price have unique insights from dealing with insurers, brokers and consumers. In an exclusive interview they explain the way ahead for better relationships with consumers.

Andrew Godden has moved quickly from a brokerage in Perth to running major broker Arthur J Gallagher Australia. In this issue he discusses how the company plans to grow locally.

You’ll find unique articles that background the news, introduce the people who shake the insurance world and explain the environment we all work in. And you’ll only get it if you subscribe, because it’s not online.

Copies are hitting desks this week.