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In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

Technology and change – and there’s plenty of change going on – feature in the December/January issue of Insurance News (the magazine).

We have an in-depth look at Zurich’s global transformation program which is having major repercussions in its Australian operation, and we speak to the regional CEO leading the sharp turn towards a different approach to the market.

And, of course, our annual list of the Top 20 most influential people in general insurance also runs in this edition. It’s a popular feature that’s thought-provoking and a little bit quirky. With so many changes happening at the top end of the industry, discover who we’ve chosen for our list, and why.

The Bring Your Own Device revolution sweeping through insurance comes in for some serious examination, with industry experts revealing how companies can balance the advantages against the risks. We also look at how smartphones have become the basis for so many advances in insurance.

Insurers are still counting the massive cost of the Tianjin explosion in August. Our aerial panorama reveals the extent of the damage, and we explain how and why it happened.

We also look back at the year that was, examine emerging risks and profile significant new insurers in the local market.

Serious, informed, social and packed with intriguing information – it’s all in Insurance News, the regional industry’s most popular and best-read insurance publication. It’s not available online, and it’s free to subscribers. Look out for it landing in your letterbox from this week.