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In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

The December edition of Insurance News (the magazine) contains our annual list of the 20 most influential people in the insurance industry. This year there are some surprises as we chronicle the changing face(s) of insurance.

Subscribers can expect their free copy of the highest-circulation print publication in Australian insurance in their mailboxes this week.

In this issue we interview the global leaders of Willis Re and JLT, and review the slumping fortunes of Australia’s insurers – should they risk-up their asset bases or simply raise premiums?

Meet a broker who has taken her life and her business from a heartbreaking loss to success and prosperity. And we look at the convergence of life and general insurance distribution – is it happening, and is anyone really interested?

You’ll find plenty of stimulating ideas and inspiring stories – there’s even a quiz to challenge your industry knowledge – in our 92-page edition of Insurance News (the magazine). Still independent, and still free of charge.