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In Insurance News magazine this month

Nothing much will be the same after the coronavirus pandemic, and new Suncorp Group CEO Steve Johnston is one of those industry leaders already planning for new approaches to insurance and its markets.

In the August/September issue of Insurance News magazine Mr Johnston explains his rationale for a strategic restructure that has seen the insurance operation split in two and some senior executives leave the group.

Insurance News also examines an unpleasant truth about the pandemic: it was never about if, but when. Journalist Bernice Han looks at how warnings from the insurance industry were left on the shelf.

And we look at the washup from one of the most difficult and contentious renewal seasons of recent years, with an exclusive survey gathering together the experiences and reactions of brokers large and small.

An illuminating article on the emerging generation of insurance buyers – the Millennials – is a must-read. What is the industry doing to build systems and expertise that meet the demands of a new customer class who want their insurance flexible, online and totally fuss-free? We have the answers.

All that and a whole lot more in the latest edition of Insurance News magazine, where you’ll always find articles to illuminate, inform and even entertain.