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IDRO warns of harsh summer

Last week we reported a British research unit’s prediction that the impending summer will see a reduced number of cyclones. And while the industry is counting its blessing – and its profits – after an exceptionally benign winter and spring, it’s bracing for summer bushfires and big storms.

Chris Henri, National Co-ordinator of the Insurance Disaster Response Organisation told Sunrise Exchange News that weather patterns for the next five months are expected to be extremely dry – typical “el nino” conditions.

“From an insurance point of view bushfires don’t usually incur massive losses because there’s a wide range of organisations from firefighters to the State Emergency Service trying to contain them,” Mr Henri said. “Canberra was unique in the amount of losses it incurred, and while I couldn’t rule out more fires on that scale this summer, it’s extremely unlikely for that to happen two years in a row.”

The Bureau of Meteorology has also predicted strong windstorms and occasional rain and hailstorms along the eastern seaboard, he said. “Flood isn’t really an issue at the moment, but it has been predicted that the weather patterns will change to ‘la nina’ – or wet, stormy conditions – towards the end of next year.”

Mr Henri says the insurance industry is “fully equipped” to deal with the impact of any weather conditions nature can throw at it. “These are quite normal predictions,” he said.