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ICNZ debuts new name: Te Kahui Inihua o Aotearoa

The Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) will feature greater use of New Zealand’s official language on its website and social media channels as it introduces a new Te Reo Māori name: Te Kāhui Inihua o Aotearoa, which translates as “the insurance association of New Zealand”.

The introduction of the new moniker follows translation of the Fair Insurance Code last year and copies in Te Reo Māori, sign language and audio being made available on the ICNZ website.

"We’re privileged to have our own national language and we want to make sure we reflect the country and people we represent,” CEO Tim Grafton said. “This year we are focusing on our use of Te Reo Māori, and the first step has been translating our name.”

The ICNZ team have completed te reo training in acknowledgement of the diversity and unique culture of New Zealanders.

“We are more confident to use te reo every day,” Mr Grafton said. “We are excited to continue to grow our understanding and use of Te Reo Māori across all the ways we engage.”