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ICA hails free construction code

The annually updated National Construction Code will this year be available free for the first time, after federal and state building ministers agreed to drop the $400 charge.

The Australian Building Codes Board estimates the number of builders and plumbers using the code, which is available online, will rise from 12,000 to 200,000 as a result.

Insurance Council of Australia CEO Rob Whelan has welcomed the move.

“The general insurance industry has been advocating for some time that national requirements on how buildings are constructed should be free and readily available to builders,” he said.

“This reform should improve compliance with the code and [will] potentially raise the construction standards for Australia’s building stock.”

Mr Whelan says the code is “especially relevant” in regions exposed to frequent and catastrophic natural hazards.

The building ministers have also agreed to move from a one-year to a three-year amendment cycle from next year.

The code is available here.