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Homes destroyed in WA bushfires

Emergency services are continuing to battle bushfires in WA after several homes and other structures were destroyed on the weekend.

Department of Fire and Emergency Service (DFES) Commissioner Darren Klemm told media yesterday that four homes in the Denmark region had been lost and four other structures razed. Another home near Bridgetown was also destroyed.

DFES said yesterday “scores of firefighters spent a hellish night under pressure from variable winds, showers of embers and oppressive heat as they fought against a firestorm”.

Mr Klemm says the frequency and intensity of weather events in the state are results of a changing climate, ABC News reported.

"An example of that [is] on Friday night the fire in Denmark doubled in size overnight,” he said. “For one of the most southern parts of our state, to have a fire double in size overnight is not territory we have been in often before.”

WA’s south-west has experienced hot and dry conditions this summer. Perth Metro last month had its warmest January on record and had the “equal longest run” of six days with maximum temperatures of at least 40 degrees at an Australian capital city, the Bureau of Meteorology says.

The metropolitan region also recorded zero rainfall for the month for only the sixth time, with the previous occurrence in 2010.