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Have your say at NIBA Convention 2002

If you’ve ever sat in a NIBA Convention audience just bursting to ask a question of an eminent speaker, now’s your chance. One of the major sessions at the convention will be the panel of eminent speakers, made up of Munich-American Risk Partners GM Terry McGough, IAG CEO Michael Hawker, ICA President (and QBE Australia MD) Raymond Jones and Aon Risk Services Deputy Chairman (and former NIBA President) Robert Harrison.

The panel moderator is Terry McMullan, editor of Sunrise Exchange News and Insurance & Risk Professional. He has invited people attending the convention to email the topics they would like to see discussed by the panel. Send your submissions to

Meanwhile, with around three months until the Adelaide convention, which will celebrate 20 vintage years of NIBA, CEO Noel Pettersen said the number of people registering to attend is already well up on last year’s three-month figures.