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Good times return for general insurers

General insurers have enjoyed premium growth and a fall in claims in the September quarter, according to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority figures.

Net earned premium for the quarter was $7.1 billion, up from $6.7 billion in the third quarter last year, and claims dropped to $4.3 billion from $5.1 billion.

General insurers’ net after-tax profits were $1.8 billion, up from $765 million, and all segments reported premium growth.

Home and contents gross earned premium rose to $1.7 billion from $1.4 billion, and gross incurred claims fell to $615 million from $756 million.

Domestic vehicle premiums grew to $1.8 billion from $1.7 billion, while claims increased to $1.2 billion from $1.1 billion.

Commercial motor vehicle gross earned premium reached $482 million, rising from $452 million in the corresponding period last year. Claims fell to $333 million from $343 million.

Fire and industrial special risks premiums rose to $1 billion from $931 million, with claims rising to $367 million from $325 million.

Reinsurers reported net earned premium of $324 million in the September quarter, compared with $350 million in the previous corresponding period.

Net incurred claims were $45 million, down from $288 million. As a result, reinsurers’ net after-tax profits were $244 million in the September quarter, up from $48 million.