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Geoscience updates tsunami hazard model

Insurers will have a better understanding of the frequency of tsunami-causing earthquakes thanks to Geoscience Australia’s updated tsunami hazard model.

The model includes more than 500,000 earthquake-tsunami scenarios around Australia, plus data from tsunamis that occurred in the past decade, since the previous model was produced.

The Federal Government group’s updated analysis also has data for more locations around Australia, making it easier for modellers to conduct local impact studies.

The area most susceptible to tsunamis runs from Geraldton, north of Perth, up to the northwest tip of WA. This area is close to the edge of the Indonesia tectonic plate, which is an active fault line.

Many of the 50 recorded tsunamis to hit Australia’s coastline resulted in dangerous rips and currents.

Geoscience Australia has yet to determine the probability of land inundation from tsunamis.

A spokesman says this would require using information from the model in conjunction with detailed topographical coastline data.