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Financial fears setting back recovery: Konekt

Worries about job security and finances are setting back the recoveries of injured Australians, according to research from workplace rehabilitation services provider Konekt.

The Konekt Market Report analysed more than 156,000 rehabilitation cases over eight years, and shows that for injured employees, financial concerns are the second most common risk factor to rehabilitation behind psychological issues.

A holistic “biopsychosocial” approach to rehabilitation is crucial the report says. It should take into account physical, psychological and social factors that can impact an injured worker’s ability to function.

Mental health expert and Principal Psychologist at CommuniCorp Group, Chris Stevens, says it is vital to relieve injured people of concerns about their ongoing livelihood.

“What’s significant about this report is the data around the biopsychosocial impacts of a delay in return to work,” he said.

“Assessing and managing all these psychosocial factors will be a significant contributor to speedy recovery.

“Getting people back to work as quickly as possible after injury is in the best interests of the injured person, their family, employer, health professionals, and insurers.”

The report found that 82% of initial referrals were for musculoskeletal disorders and injuries such as fractures, while 12% were for a mental health condition.

The highest proportion of fractures occurred in the construction sector and the longest delay to referral was in manufacturing.