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Federal Government outlines bushfire response measures

The Federal Government is making progress towards meeting the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission’s recommendations.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland says key Federal Government measures are on track for delivery ahead of the next official bushfire season which begins next month.

A new scale of fire danger ratings will be incorporated into weather and warning services of the Bureau of Meteorology which will also include fire danger index values on its website.

A new “catastrophic” fire warning category will be introduced in response to concern that existing warning information is too generic.

The federal and state governments are currently investigating ways to send warning messages to mobile telephones based on handset location. A national system based on billing addresses should be ready by summer.

Mr McClelland says measures to improve the triple-zero emergency call service and co-ordination of the emergency services are also under way.

His department has proposed new penalties for bushfire arson that include 25-year jail terms for arsonists who cause death.