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EQC CEO Sid Miller departs

CEO of New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission (EQC) Sid Miller will vacate the role in March.

EQC Chair Mary-Jane Daly says the board is disappointed Mr Miller is leaving after doing an “outstanding job” for five years. She thanked him for a “huge range” of positive changes and says he leaves the organisation in a strong position and with the greatest respect across the insurance industry.

“Sid has been an outstanding leader of EQC who will leave a lasting legacy,” Ms Daly said. “He has overseen a cultural shift of the organisation that has seen a significant lift in both customer experience and employee engagement.”

Mr Miller, who plans to take a career break to build a house, said the time was right to pass the baton after the EQC established a world-first agreement with eight private insurers, putting an end to double-handling of natural disaster claims seen after the Canterbury earthquake sequence.

Under the new partnership model, private insurers will assess, manage and settle the entire claim – including the EQC portion – up to the sum insured.

“My main focus and motivation has been doing a better job for our customers as I could see how frustrating and stressful it has been for the claimants in Canterbury who took many years to sort out their earthquake damage,” Mr Miller said.

The board will appoint a new CEO.