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Dive In survey to set diversity benchmarks

The first survey of diversity in the Australian insurance industry launches today as part of the Dive In festival.

The study will help create industry-wide benchmarks around gender, languages, ethnicity, mental health and sexual orientation.

All 60,000 people working in the nation’s insurance sector are encouraged to participate in the survey, hosted by Macquarie Bank.

Some key industry players have already committed to the survey.

Lloyd’s General Representative in Australia and chairman of the Dive In organising committee Chris Mackinnon says insurance companies are aware of the need to prioritise diversity and inclusion in their strategic agendas.  

“There is a wealth of evidence proving more diverse companies are better placed to win top talent and improve customer engagement, employee satisfaction and overall decision-making,” he said.

Macquarie Head of Insurance Broking Eoghan Trehy says it is important “to identify the areas that need addressing and generate new ideas, and we understand the important role benchmarking research has to play in obtaining the data businesses need to make informed decisions”.

The study runs until August 5. To participate, click here.

The Dive In diversity and inclusion festival takes place from September 26-28.