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Disaster resilience campaign picks up pace

A business campaign to increase Australia’s disaster resilience is moving into its next phase, with meetings to highlight mitigation case studies and discuss further action.

CGU Insurance CEO Peter Harmer hosted a briefing in Melbourne last week attended by representatives from business, government, emergency services and groups such as the Australian Red Cross and Lifeline. Similar events will be held in Queensland and NSW.

“By identifying and prioritising pre-disaster investment activities that deliver a positive net impact on future budget outlays, we can build disaster resilience and safer communities,” Mr Harmer said.

The Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities last month released a white paper on the benefits of increased mitigation spending.

One of three case studies found bushfire mitigation in Victoria, including vegetation management, would have a positive cost-benefit ratio of three to one.

The paper also looked at raising the wall of the Warragamba Dam in NSW and improving the cyclone and flood resilience of homes in southeast Queensland.

“We need to work together to develop a national long-term approach to managing natural disasters by investing in a co-ordinated resilience response that focuses on prevention,” Mr Harmer said.

The white paper recommends appointing a national resilience adviser and establishing a business and community advisory group. It also calls for government commitment to long-term funding and programs to enhance current arrangements.

CGU parent IAG is one of six organisations that formed the roundtable last December.