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Demand for NZ dispute service sets record

New Zealand’s Financial Ombudsman Service says in the past year it has received the highest number of complaints and disputes since the scheme started in 2011.

Complaint numbers rose 6% to 1426, new disputes received were up 10% to 359 and completed investigations were up by one-third.

Complaints against insurers made up 14.5% of the total.

“All our numbers – complaints and disputes – were new records for our service,” ombudsman Susan Taylor said. “We expect this high level of complaints to persist as long as economic conditions remain difficult.”

Most complaints were about consumer credit products, at 29% of the total. Financial hardship, miscommunication, fraud and scams, and business loans were common issues.

“I’m pleased to report we’re starting to see an increasing number of our financial service providers doing the right thing by concentrating on a fair outcome,” Ms Taylor said.

New Zealand consumers can also access the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman, the Banking Ombudsman Scheme and the Financial Dispute Resolution Service.

See complaints case studies here.