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Crop insurance platform proposed

Sydney-based management consultancy Strategis Partners plans to launch an agricultural risk management platform called Agricultural Risk Exchange (ARX).

The online platform will focus on crop insurance, but the company plans to expand it across all areas of agricultural risk.

A briefing paper submitted to the Federal Government on crop insurance says the site “will be the place for exchanging knowhow on agricultural risk management, providing education and training in risk management”.

The site will have three components: ARX Resources, ARX Focus Groups and ARX Marketplace.

The resources element will provide tolls and data for risk analysis. The company says this will give government a vehicle for policy updates, while farmers will have access to training materials to help them arrange insurance.

The focus group component will let members share risk management practices. The marketplace will provide market intelligence for insurers, farmers, financiers and advisers.

Strategis Partners hopes insurers and the farming industry will support the site by joining, sponsoring and providing information.