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Complaints to NZ ombudsman rise

The number of consumer complaints upheld by the NZ Insurance & Savings Ombudsman has risen to 18% of disputed claims from 13% in the space of a year.

But the rise is off a low base – the number of upheld complaints climbed to 35 from a total of 202 cases handled by the Ombudsman in 2007/08, compared to 28 successful claims from 201 cases in 2006/07.

Eleven cases were “partly upheld” during 2007/08, compared to three the previous year. The Ombudsman settled 37 complaints, the same number as the previous year.

The Ombudsman declined to uphold 108 cases in the latest period, compared to 141 cases in 2006/07. Some 60% of all cases handled by the Ombudsman related to “fire and general” insurance policies.