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Coalition win reignites broker battle on reforms

The return of the Coalition Government after the double-dissolution election will restart a lobbying campaign to ensure a range of proposed financial reforms do not adversely affect brokers.

National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) CEO Dallas Booth says the Coalition is expected to proceed with its previously outlined reform agenda, and NIBA will continue to address concerns raised before the election.

Proposals that could affect brokers include industry funding for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, increased powers for the regulator and changed rules around obligations to customers.

“We expect the Government to table draft legislation over the next three months in these core areas and we will certainly be working hard to make sure these reforms do not jeopardise brokers and their clients,” Mr Booth told

He says it remains unknown whether Parliament, particularly through the Senate, will be able to set up a royal commission into banking and financial advice, and if broking would be involved.

The composition of the new ministry also remains uncertain, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull forced to make some changes after junior ministers Wyatt Roy and Peter Hendy lost their seats.

NIBA has recently worked with Assistant Treasurer Kelly O’Dwyer, who succeeded Josh Frydenberg last year.

“We will be working with the Government and the relevant ministers and we will be putting forward the NIBA message on behalf of brokers to whoever is responsible for the reform program,” Mr Booth said.

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has welcomed clarity on who will govern Australia.

“ICA looks forward to the returned Coalition Government refocusing its efforts on budget repair and urges all MPs and Senators, regardless of political affiliation, to support this crucial task in the national interest,” CEO Rob Whelan said.

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