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Car theft down in June quarter

Motor vehicle thefts have fallen for the sixth consecutive quarter and are down more than 6% on the previous year, new figures show.

In the 2006/07 year, 61,933 vehicles were reported stolen, a fall of 6.4% from the same quarter the previous year.

Statistics released by the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council show 15,132 cars were stolen in the three months to June 2007 with a value of $121 million. This was 7% less than the June 2006 quarter and 1% down on the March quarter of 2007.

Car thefts have fallen quarter-on-quarter since December 2005, with total thefts more than halving since reaching a peak of 139,000 in 2000/01.

Falls for the year were greatest in Victoria (down 1738), NSW (down 1556) and Queensland (down 882). WA (down 121) and SA (down 310) experienced small increases.