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Car owners in the dark on theft risks

Public perceptions about the most likely locations for car theft are out of step with reality, according to the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council.

About 80% of people think cars are “mostly stolen from the street or a car park, when the reality is that close to half of all vehicle thefts now occur from the home”, the council says.

The finding comes from an online survey of 1200 motorists of all ages.

Some 66% of respondents believe recent models and luxury cars are stolen most, whereas older vehicles that can be opened with simple tools are more likely targets.

The nationwide survey highlights the importance of educating people about vehicle theft and suitable preventative measures, such as protecting keys, the council says.

Last financial year 45,764 passenger and light commercial vehicle thefts were recorded, the lowest number in any 12-month period
since the late 1970s.

The council estimates theft reductions over the past year have delivered a saving of $44 million in insurance, personal and related costs to the community.