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Business group to reveal disaster resilience plan

The Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities will this week release a white paper on natural disaster management.

The paper, to be published on Thursday, will compare the costs of mitigation and recovery, show how governments can work with businesses, non-profit groups and community leaders to build resilience and detail risks to the country, particularly from extreme weather events.

It has been produced for the group by Deloitte Access Economics and will contain a number of recommendations.

The roundtable was formed last December and comprises CEOs from IAG, Munich Re Australia, Westpac, Optus, Investa Property Group and the Australian Red Cross.

It aims to make the case for mitigation, promote a more integrated approach to community resilience and unite disparate policies in areas such as land-use planning, building codes, mitigation infrastructure, emergency response, taxation and community education.

The group hopes the paper will “provide a framework for co-operation and collaboration between all three levels of government, industry and the community and facilitate a comprehensive assessment of whether the existing national arrangements promote the most effective use of… government funding for disaster mitigation, recovery and reconstruction”.