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Bracks signs up to broker board

Former Victorian Premier Steve Bracks has accepted a board position with broking giant Jardine Lloyd Thompson. While the non-executive role has not had as much press coverage as his consultancy position with KPMG, analysts say it's an interesting step for a man who oversaw some of the highest insurance taxes in Australia.

"It certainly is very interesting," National Insurance Brokers Association regulation consultant John Hanks told Sunrise Exchange News. "It should be beneficial for the industry."

Despite some fierce lobbying from insurers and brokers during Mr Bracks' eight-year premiership, the fire services levy and stamp duty still apply to all Victorian insurance contracts.

"I'm sure JLT will seek to educate him on the impact of taxes," Mr Hanks said.

But JLT says that wasn't a consideration when it offered Mr Bracks the position. Risk Services Division MD Leo Demer says the new recruit will not be playing any direct political role. Rather, he will be asked to advise and educate staff on working with governments and government entities.

"We do a fair amount of work in local and state government," Mr Demer said. "He'll be advising on how best to serve our clients."

It is a modest commitment for the retired politician. As well as attending three or four board meetings a year, he'll be expected to contribute to training and conference programs.

Mr Bracks, who retired from politics in July, announced three private sector appointments last week. As well as the controversial KPMG appointment and the board position at JLT, he has accepted a vice-president appointment on the AIMS Financial Group advisory board.