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Brace yourself for severe weather: researchers

A Griffith University study charting more than 200 years of coastal storms indicates a sustained period of severe weather is due in the near future.

The study, Severe storms on the east coast of Australia 1770-2008, suggests that east coast residents can expect more turbulent weather after several “latent decades”.

Researcher Peter Helman told that storm activity has historically arrived in phases, with a new phase now due.

“In the past 30 years, even allowing for Tropical Cyclone Larry in 2006, there has been a relatively low number of storms,” he said. “That has lulled everyone – councillors, developers, all decision-makers – into ignoring the fact that [latent] phase will end.”

Dr Helman also backed insurers’ claims that too many building permits are being approved for construction in highly exposed regions.

“Insurers prepared to cover storm surge are exposed to potentially massive liabilities,” he said.