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Big gaps in awards list

The Asia Insurance Review/Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) awards failed to gather the united support of the industry, with some leading companies declining to be involved because the event was seen as little more than a marketing event for Singapore-based Asia Insurance Review.

Peak bodies the Insurance Council of Australia and the National Insurance Brokers Association rejected the concept of the awards when they were approached by ANZIIF for support. Several of the Asia Insurance Review/ANZIIF awards cut across long-established awards. ARIMA (now AIRM) – which was not even consulted – was upset that the awards included one for risk managers, duplicating its own award.

Such a situation made for some interesting decisions. For example, while Marsh “impressed the judges with its exemplary track record, value-added service and sterling growth”, its win must have been made easier by the fact that Willis, Aon and Arthur J Gallagher declined to be involved.

It’s also understood that a number of major insurers declined to be involved.

However, Sunrise Exchange News has not been able to establish which leading companies were – or were not – among the 65 nominations for the awards. The list of nominees has not, as promised earlier this year, been made public by either ANZIIF or Asia Insurance Review.