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ARIMA criticises new workers’ comp recommendations

Corporate risk managers have applauded the parliamentary employment and workplace relations committee’s recommendation for more consistency in workers’ compensation schemes. But their association, the Association of Risk and Insurance Managers of Australasia (ARIMA), also wants to see recommendations on “advancing opportunities for self-insurance”.

ARIMA President Brad Greer says he is disappointed the committee didn’t make any recommendations on self-insurance which he claims operates 40% more cheaply and has a 100% return-to-work rate.

“Because the states’ schemes have different requirements for self-insurance, some companies are eligible in one state but not another, despite their operations being very similar,” he said. “Disparities such as this add a significant cost burden for employers.”

Calling for a national workers’ compensation scheme, he said a national framework could remove complexity, deal with cross-border issues, and lessen the potential for fraud and/or non-compliance. The committee’s recommendations don’t equate to a national workers’ compensation scheme, he said.