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Ansvar forum addresses church arson

Ansvar Insurance has held an “interfaith arson forum” in Victoria following a spate of church fires in Melbourne and Geelong over the past year.

In partnership with Catholic Church Insurance, the forum included speakers from the Geelong Interfaith Network, Victoria Police, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) and the Victorian Council of Churches (VCC).

Speakers included Inspector Graham Banks and Leading Senior Constable Andrew King from Victoria Police, retired arson squad inspector Jeff Maher, CFA Operations Officer Tony Field and VCC Emergency Ministry CEO Stuart Stuart.

Mr Stuart spoke about the psychological impacts of arson and the counselling and support services available for those affected.

Ansvar Insurance CEO Warren Hutcheon says arsonists who target places of worship, “whether a church, synagogue or mosque”, cause more than physical damage.

“These events also have a traumatic effect on the community,” he said.

Mr Hutcheon says information provided at the forum will help faith communities “be more vigilant, active participants in the risk mitigation process of their respective houses of worship… [and] address the psychological reactions to traumatic community events”.

The forum on May 31 was attended by more than 100 people.