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Another level of news: The Broker set for launch

On Thursday this week will launch a specialised newsletter packed with updates and analysis specifically for insurance brokers.

The Broker will be emailed to subscribers fortnightly on Thursdays, featuring news, interviews, profiles, regulatory updates and analysis that focuses solely on the world of insurance broking.

Publisher Terry McMullan says more than a third of’s 29,636 subscribers (as of today) identify as brokers.

“We recognise that brokers are the vital link in the insurer-customer interface,” he said. “They often have perspectives that need to be acknowledged, understood and even debated across the wider industry. The Broker will provide a level of detail readers haven’t experienced before.

“Our main bulletins have always included news about brokers, broking and relevant issues, and of course they’ll continue to do so,” he said. “But for The Broker our journalists will go into greater depth, looking at key industry issues and developments from brokers’ perspective.”

Mr McMullan says The Broker will foster greater understanding and enable to help readers get to know the people within broking, from CEOs to those just starting out.

“In a fast-changing industry where expertise is everything, we expect The Broker to quickly become a must-read.”

All subscribers will be sent the first edition of the newsletter on Thursday.

If you have broker-specific news that you’d like us to feature, please email us at