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All calm on the broking front

Some intermediaries might be suddenly feeling the licensing heat with the FSRA less than 24 months away, but NIBA Technical Services Manager Warren Turner says brokers are generally quite relaxed at this point.

“People have been very patient,” he said. “We have not had any phone calls from brokers saying ‘I’m stuck’ or anything like that. Most are still waiting for their licensing help kit and for updates about meeting licensing requirements.”

Mr Turner said NIBA expects a lot more questions and phone calls once brokers have received their help kits and attempt to complete the ASIC licensing application form. The NIBA kit is now on the association’s website and any common questions stemming from the licence form completion process will be also posted online.

The NIBA “roadshow” around Australia is set to start in April, and a high member turnout at the seminars is expected.