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Ads will drive home car-key security message

A television and cinema community service ad campaign alerting people to the growing incidence of car-key theft starts this week.

The insurance industry-backed National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC), which is behind the campaign, says that in 2013 70% of late model cars were stolen with keys and 50% of the thefts occurred at the residence.

NMVTRC Executive Director Ray Carroll says car thieves are increasingly stealing car keys from homes because of the growing number of cars fitted with advanced immobiliser systems.

The technology is driving down car thefts, but has led to the relatively new crime of car-key theft.

Using humour to highlight the importance of key security, the campaign features a series of commercials based on famous heist scenes from the movies Raiders of the Lost Ark, Entrapment and Mission Impossible.

“The advertisements will highlight how car theft methods have changed and that car thieves will go to great lengths to steal your keys to steal your car,” Mr Carroll told

“We want to make people aware that they need to secure their keys even when they’re at home.”

The Car Security Begins at Home campaign will be conducted at a community level through local councils, which will be responsible for negotiating with local cinemas to screen the advertisements.

Twelve municipalities around Australia are currently participating in the project, which will also include shopping centre displays, information booths at local community events and print advertisements.

The commercials will also appear on regional television in northern NSW and southeast Queensland.