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Adler receives goodies

Rodney Adler’s sentence over HIH might be over and done with, but the spotlight is still firmly on him. This time, it’s somewhat less than his behaviour as a business leader that’s getting up people’s noses – it’s fresh bedding, a hot water jug and a new TV.

Allegations that Mr Adler has been comfortably ensconced in his private jail cell with these small luxuries and was given a personal interview with the prison governor, emerged in a prison officer’s letter released last week by NSW Opposition Leader John Brogden.

That got everyone stirred up, with NSW Premier Bob Carr saying he will seek a report on the matter because “no high-profile corporate crook will get favourable treatment in any form”.

But Attorney-General Bob Debus says Corrective Services Commissioner Ron Woodham has assured him that Mr Adler was handled in “an entirely normal way”.

“Rodney Adler spent his first night in custody without a television,” he said. “The Governor was in the centre when Adler arrived and he walked past an interviewing room where the Governor asked Adler if he wanted protection. Adler replied that he did not want protection. That question was not an uncommon question for a Governor to ask, but merely a responsible one,” he said.

Mr Debus told Parliament Mr Adler is “currently at Long Bay [jail] baking bread”.