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Adjusters want training standards in code

Loss adjusters are lobbying the industry for an assurance that people performing claims functions are adequately trained. The Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters' (AICLA) submission on the Insurance Council of Australia draft code of practice says anyone in the sector – whether loss adjusters, repairers or insurance company employees – must be trained.

Secretary Tony Libke says AICLA believes the standards for giving claims advice should be consistent. The AICLA submission acknowledges that certain activities by loss adjusters may be performed by other service-providers “not typically considered to be loss adjusters”.

“However, AICLA is extremely concerned to ensure that where such services are provided, the relevant person has the appropriate expertise and training to do so. If not, consumers and insurers are likely to be disadvantaged,” the submission states.

Mr Libke says he is pleased that the draft code of practice is more encompassing than the previous insurance industry code, which was launched in 1994. He hopes the review will favour the AICLA suggestions.

The deadline for submissions has passed, and former Australian Securities and Investments Commission Chairman David Knott will finalise the review at the end of October.