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AAMI funds distracted driver research

AAMI has announced funding for research into distracted driving, which is on the rise among young people.

The insurer says it is a growing cause of accidents, with the increasing prevalence of technology playing a role.

The latest trend is for young drivers to record short videos and upload them while driving.

University of NSW researchers are examining a range of responses, but AAMI says creating a social stigma around the behaviour – like that around drink-driving – is crucial.

“More than half of young Australian drivers have sent or read a text message while driving and more than a quarter have read emails or surfed the internet,” spokesman Reuben Aitchison said.

He told it is important to identify “the language and images that would best create a social stigma. When texting and driving becomes socially unacceptable and uncool, we will start to see a change in behaviour within this age group.”

Mr Aitchison says the amount of funding AAMI will provide has yet to be determined. “We are waiting to get costings back.”