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Insurance News has completed its first subscriber survey, with the data and insights collected providing valuable information that will help us further develop our print and online services.

The number of responses from subscribers has provided our research team with “a very significant sample size”, which ensures the final data will be statistically reliable.

The winners of the $250 JB Hi-Fi vouchers will be contacted over the next few days. On behalf of the Insurance News team, I would like to thank the many subscribers who participated in the exercise.

We’d also like to invite the thousands of regular readers who are not subscribers to also participate in the survey.

Unless you are one of the many professionals who read a circulated copy of Insurance News (the magazine) at work, you probably won’t be able to comment on the print content, but your comments and opinions on the weekly online news would be very helpful to us.

If you’d like to participate, you can access the survey here.

Terry McMullan