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Zurich uses app for flexible processing

Zurich Life has launched an app available through the Apple AppStore for advisers with iPads.

The iRisk Advisor app includes interactive fact-find and needs analysis software that flows through to product quotations and online submission. 

It also has information for consumers about various types of life insurance and when they may be needed.

Zurich Life says the app is an industry first that will help advisers become more efficient and productive.

Life Risk Australia National Manager Sales Strategy and Research Marc Fabris told advisers want flexibility when generating and processing new applications.

“If we respond by fax, that’s good for some advisers and if we send an email it might not be read for a number of days,” he said.

“If we go to their workspace, we can respond in a modern and flexible manner.”

Mr Fabris says it is a “white label app”, meaning advisers can use it with clients and not be confronted with heavy branding from Zurich.

“We found advisers won’t use a heavily branded version,” he said.

Other life insurers are expected to launch various apps for advisers in coming months, and Mr Fabris admits the market could be swamped.

“I think you will see their number in life insurance blow out and then contract,” he said.

Zurich developed the app in conjunction with David Clark, Principal of Sydney firm Clark Pacific Financial Services, and Gary O’Sullivan, Principal of Blueleaf Consulting.